Hearing Loss FAQs

*Twenty-eight million Americans are hearing impaired, and an estimated 500 million experience hearing loss, worldwide. (*cited from Starkey)

First, have a hearing examination performed by a trained professional. This will help determine the nature and level of your hearing loss and rule out any conditions that might require medical attention. Many hearing losses can be successfully treated with hearing aids, but only one-fourth of those who could benefit from hearing aids actually do so. Schedule your free hearing test and consultation here.

Hearing aids fill the gap created by a hearing loss by receiving and amplifying sound. While there are many different types of hearing aid technology, four basic components are common to them all: 1) a microphone to receive sound; 2) an amplifier to make those electrical impulses stronger; 3) a receiver (speaker) to translate those impulses into louder sounds; and 4) a battery to power the system.
Your hearing aid will be preset to a safe level of maximum amplification. You may have to re-accustom yourself to loud sounds. All sounds are amplified, although loud sounds are amplified to a lesser degree than softer sounds. There are surprising everyday sounds that can affect your hearing.

First, understand that a hearing aid will not completely restore your hearing. What it will do is enhance sound so you can hear better. Since hearing loss is gradual, over the years you may have become unaccustomed to normal environmental sounds such as traffic noise, the hum of a refrigerator or background conversation. When you begin wearing a hearing aid, you will need to re-educate your brain to practice selective listening, the ability to choose only those sounds which you wish to hear.


Wear your hearing aids as much as possible so you will become skilled at recognizing sound direction, learning what hearing aid settings work best in different situations.

Hearing aid shells look alike, but what’s inside can be vastly different. There are many different kinds of circuits, including those that are digital and programmable. Size also affects the cost of a hearing aid. As a rule, the smaller the hearing aid, the more expensive.
A hearing aid’s life expectancy is typically 3-5 years. It’s important to keep your hearing aids maintained, cleaned, and tuned-up. It’s not a bad idea to bring them into the office as often as every 6 months.